American Band College

When are the 3 special group project courses offered during my 3 summers in Ashland?

There are 3 courses under MUS 617 Seminar: Mus Ed that change content each summer and that ALL ABC masters candidates are required to take. This course is always offered June 28 and 29.

Session A starts on June 20 and ends after the concert on June 26. Session B starts on June 28, ending after testing and Boo-Boo Band testing on July 5th. The special classes take place during the first two days of Session B.

The current rotation of content is expected to be chosen from the following topics:

  1. Jazz Pedagogy
  2. Breathing Gym - Gymnastics in the Classroom
  3. Leadership Training and Advocacy (for 2025)
  4. Percussion Seminar

The course concludes with major group projects that are to be completed and uploaded to Central Washington University's (online) system by midnight June 30. Instructors specify groups and provide required direction for the projects.

A candidate who, for any reason, skips a year of attendance may run into a problem if the instructor and content for the year he or she returns is the same as that taken by that candidate in a previous year.