American Band College

How do I cancel and how will ABC refunds be handled?

  • All Students
    • Please fill out this Google Form immediately!
    • Login to your ABC account and click on "Need to Cancel?" link in left column. Deadline - May 1
    • ABC will automatically cancel your hotel/lodging package for you.
  • 1st year students:
    • Email Victoria Clapper at Central Washington University and tell her you are deferring your admission until 2021.
    • Deadline - May 1
  • 2nd year/3rd year students:
    • CWU will send you an "on-leave" form via your CWU email address around June 24.
    • You must respond to that email and complete the form.
    • Deadline - July 1
  • If you plan on postponing your ABC registration until next year, we will carry-over your $500 deposit to 2021.
  • If you have paid more than $500, ABC will refund the difference back to your credit card. Please be patient as we work through each refund, possible ABC sponsorship discount adjustments, etc.
  • Some refunds might need to be paid by check if you made your payment before Oct. 1, 2019.