WIBC Frequently Asked Questions

Does ABC mail out 1099 (tax info forms) to ABC attendees?

Only Status Reports (receipts) will be given to ABC attendees as official financial paperwork. The Status Report (receipt) will have a list of classes and amount(s) paid by the student. No other tax forms will be mailed out from the ABC office. Please use the Status Report as your official tax document from the American Band College.

     Status Reports are generated individually for each attendee at key times:
  • When you initially register for ABC, a current Status Report with courses, balance due, etc. is sent via snail mail.
  • A final Status Report (official Receipt) will be given to every attendee upon check-in at ABC.

We DO NOT replace lost Status Reports (official receipt). Be sure to retain all paperwork received from ABC for use during tax time, etc. All official receipts can printed from "My Account" area when you login to your account. Choose "Previous Purchases" to view and print receipts. Please use this feature to print lost Status Reports and receipts for your records. DO NOT ask ABC office to reprint lost forms and/or receipts.