Four days of sightseeing in the Sydney area will be followed by an intensive four day music program that forms part of an exchange program with the State Honours Ensemble Program.

WIBC invites current high school students accepted to one of the WIBC honor bands in 2013, to audition for four scholarship places and up to six full fee paying places (for students at an appropriately high standard) at the Pacific Honours Ensemble Program on the following instruments: Flute, Oboe, Bassoon, Clarinet, Saxophone,Trumpet, Horn, Trombone, Baritone, Euphonium, Tuba and Percussion. The WIBC Board of Directors will award four scholarships and up to six full fee paying places at the gala honor band concert on Monday, November 25, 2013 in Seattle, Washington.

Note: Only freshmen, sophomores, and juniors can audition for PHEP since the honor band event is next September/October, 2014.

All rehearsals and the performances are held at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia. Successful recipients will join over 300 instrumentalists in four ensembles.

Students will be accompanied and chaperoned for the duration of the activity, including travel to and from USA/Australia by the WIBC Organizing Director.

How do I audition for PHEP?

Login to your WIBC honor band account and select one or both of the two audition options. On the PHEP tab, select:

  1. 1.I would like to be included in the candidate list for PHEP scholarship selection

  2. 2.If not selected via scholarship, I would still attend PHEP and pay my own way

There is no need to send in any additional audition material to WIBC. The WIBC Board of Directors will decide on scholarships and full fee paying placements based on current WIBC auditions.

  1. What does the scholarship cover?
    PHEP/SHEP Participation Fee
    Rehearsals/performances with a guest conductor
    Souvenir honour band certificate
    Souvenir honour band program
    Access to digital pictures via the web
    Sheet music
    Accommodation Australian Hotel - quad share x 3 nights
    Accommodation at host family x 5 nights
    Full Breakfast x 7
    Evening Meal x 7
    Activities in Australia (Sydney Opera House, Taronga Zoo, sightseeing, shopping, swimming)
    Chaperone Support and Assistance

    As a scholarship recipient what will I need to contribute?
    · Airfare* and taxes – approx. $2000
    · Lunch money for 7 days
    · Souvenir/spending money
    * Denotes - airfare arrangements must be booked through Western International Band Clinic travel systems.

If I am unsuccessful for a scholarship place and wish to be considered for a full fee paying place, what will I need to contribute?

· Participant fee of $1500

· *Airfare and taxes – approx. $2000

· Lunch money for 7 days

· Souvenir/spending money

* Denotes - airfare arrangements must be booked through Western International Band Clinic travel systems.

Apply for PHEP 2014