Giving Programs Personalized Conductor/Soloist Sponsorship

Each year the American Band College and Western International Band Clinic hire a total of 8 guest conductors and 3 soloists. It is our plan to make these endowed chairs under sponsorship, dedicated to honor long-time champions of the American band movement.

These permanently named chairs can be fully endowed by means of a $16,000 per year for five years donation to the WIBC, Inc. The earning from this amount will then generate the $4000 annual cost for one of the guest conductors or soloists each year forever These named "chairs" will then appear in every program and annual brochures.

Smaller donations will help the fund build its endowed base; donors will be acknowledged through this web site and contribute significantly toward offsetting annual expenditures of $45,000 in this one area of corporate operation.

Untitled Document

Total sponsorship

of and conductor

or soloist chair

is named in honor

of the donor or

in memory of

a band champion

of the past.

Program Funding Information:
Goal Amount: $80,000.00
Pledged to date: $2,500.00

Sponsor Names (alphabetically)
WIBC, Inc. (Randy McKee)